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Michel Montecrossa's 'It's The Ball'

Song und Video für die Fußball-EM 2016 feiert echten Sportsgeist

Mira Sound Germany veröffentlicht zur Fußball-EM 2016 auf CD und DVD ?It?s The Ball?, Michel Montecrossa?s Themensong und Video über echten Sportsgeist. Der Fußball-EM 2016 Song ?It?s The Ball? und das dazugehörige Musikvideo sind auf der Michel Montecrossa Homepage verfügbar. Die Audio-Single und DVD des Songs sind im Mirapuri-Shop erhältlich.

Michel Montecrossa sagt:
"Mein Topical-Song und Film ´It´s The Ball´ über Sportlichkeit ist dem richtigen sportlichen Verhalten gewidmet und der Freude, die hinter seinen Idealen von Fairness, Freundschaft und Solidarität steht.?

It?s The Ball (UEFA EURO 2016 Song)

There?s a boy and there?s a girl. / They are born to be great. / They feel the power, they hear the call, / they have the will and the strength to move on.

Chorus: It?s the ball! It?s the ball!
Further and further towards the goal / of winning the prize and winning it all. / Training and endurance and team-spirit feel / bring them together, give the energy real,
Chorus: It?s the ball! It?s the ball!
The discipline and joy of a fit body, / rapid action leading to big success, / the sporting spirit and good humor, / self-control, fair play and friendliness, / the loyal acceptance of decisions.
Chorus: It?s the ball! It?s the ball!
There?s the boy and there?s the girl, / they act together, master of team-work skill. / It?s the ball! It?s the ball! / They never miss it, they are the wonderful! / It?s the ball! It?s the ball! / They always get it and they hit the goal!
Chorus: It?s the ball! It?s the ball!
Text & Musik: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany